vendredi 4 mars 2016

The Cold War: the allies in Berlin

After  World War II, Berlin and Germany were separated in four parts. This decision was taken by the winners:  France, England and the United States. The last part was for the USSR. The Cold War began in 1947. The Cold War was a period of tensions and the three parts of France, England and Germany were reunited in order to form a republic: the “Bundesrepublik”. Stalin did not agree with this union and he decided to make a dictatorship: the “Deutsche Demokratische Republik”. The Berlin Blockade was a riposte and the Allies were blocked for the transportation of commodities so they made a huge air lift. In 1961, a wall was built,  the “Berliner Mauer”. It  stopped the passage of the people between the “Bundesrepublik” and the “Deutsche Demokratische Republik”. This wall remained during 28 years. On the 9th of November, 1989, after the mistake of a journalist, people gathered to destroy the wall.  And in 1990, people were at last reunited and they formed only one Germany with Berlin as their capital city.
Martin HUET(1ère ES1) et Mélissa SAUVAGE (TL)

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